2004-2024 Certified Forensic Computer Examiner

CCME (Cellebrite Certified Mobile Examiner) byCellebrite
CFCE (Certified Forensic Computer Examiner) byIACIS (International Association of Computer Investigative Specialists)
CCE (Certified Computer Examiner) by ISFCE (International Society of Forensic Computer Examiners)
GCFE ( GIAC Computer Forensic Examiner) by SANS institut
NCE (Nuix Certified Examiner) by NUIX Ltd
ACE (AccessData Certified Examiner)
==> Details and dates of certifications
==> List of digital forensic training courses attended (regarding methods, standards, forensic acquisition, forensic search and analysis on computers and smartphones or tablets)
==> Working the last 23 years with all of the main forensic tools (software & hardware) available on the market :
Encase, FTK, FTKImager, PRTK / DNA, Passware, Nuix, X-Ways, RECON, Paladin, IEF, Blacklight, MacQuisition, UFED, XRY, Oxygen Forensics, Tableau write-blocker, Tableau TX1, Intella,Belkasoft Evidence Center, Forensic Explorer and all Cellebrite tools.

2002-2020 Computer Forensic Examiner at the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF)
- 18 years as OLAF staff, working as digital forensic specialist to support OLAF investigators for EU financial fraud cases and anti-corruption cases.
- Performing all forensic tasks such as forensic seizure, acquisition, imaging, preservation, processing, search, examination and reporting.
- Acting as "Designated Expert" by Judicial Authority in different EU Countries for important financial cases.
- 13 years responsible for the organisation and setup of the OLAF Digital Forensic and Analysis Trainings for Law Enforecement Agencies, with the support of contractual companies.
1993-2002 Police Officer in a Computer Crime Unit at Security & Intelligence Service

- Four years in a Computer Crime and Internet Piracy Section, performing security and judicial investigations.
In charge of the follow through technological evolution's in the IT and security domains.
Performing computer security audits for French companies and industrial groups.
Tasks to ensure security prevention for State Organisations, performing office inspections, security controls and statement, search of security fault.
Establishing investigation and security reports with recommendations and advices.
​- Four years in a technical and operational investigations section.
Performing electronic and computer security operations: inspection of premises, security controls, phone installation controls.
Ensuring IT support for the investigation section.
Contact with all French phone operators for security and judicial investigations.
Performing security verification's and morality investigations for important French industrial and scientific companies concerning their recruitment in the framework of the protection of the French technical heritage.