Password Cracking
Export of protected documents to perform a password cracking process.
This task is done after the indexing or processing of forensic image files or data set, to be able to identify the protected or encrypted files.
The protected document files are then exported and processed with password cracking tools. This task can be time consuming and it is really difficult to provide in advance an estimation of time and of result.
Different techniques and methods can be used, but the process of password cracking is always challenging and the outcome can never be predicted in advance.
It depends mainly on the encryption system used and/or the complexity of the chosen password, but also on the person who protected the files, how, with what, on what type of device and under which operating system.
The fact to have at disposal the computer used by the person who protected the files and to have also la possibility to perform the forensic acquisition of the RAM memory of his computer before its shutdown, can help for the decryption process and/or the recovery of passwords.
A technical report will be drawn up by the specialist and will specify all the actions taken to arrive at the identification and decryption of the protected files as well as the result of the password cracking process if it was positive.